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 West Virginia - 1989


            I grew up with the kids in the middle of the woods most of the time. We had some pretty crazy adventures. Most of my days were spent wondering the wild wilderness in the hollers and hills we call home. I eventually realized that these feats and thrills needed to be documented and who better for the job than I. Next birthday I became the kid with the camera shooting everything. Through my self-taught process, I eventually became a photographer for school year book and avid dark room user. After college I started shooting heavily again and gained the appreciation of my community, encouraging me to move my love for the art to a more serious level.​ Through my travels I've been house photographer for music venues, shot for media companies, and beautiful weddings in the most. Shooting for over 12 years professioinally in New Orleans, Denver, Los Angeles and New York City, Ive honed my craft.

              I have transitioned from shooting in analog (film), to digital over the past few years. Don't worry, I  still have my shoe box full of video tapes and photos from my childhood. I want to be able to provide others with their own shoe box full of memories. 


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